
Learn – How to Increase Your Twitter Follower Count?

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Twitter marketing

Whether you are an individual, or represent a brand, creating an online identity for either is not an easy task. Social media is the biggest challenge today, when it comes to online branding. You can get a swanky website that looks beautiful, you can hire leading bloggers and content writers in your field to fill up your website with useful and engaging content, but when it comes to social media, a lot of people find themselves lost. Our focus today will on be Twitter exclusively, and you will find that getting people to follow you on Twitter is not that difficult!

Do not Follow a SPAM Account!

Twitter has its fair share of automated spam accounts, and junk profiles. Key identifiers include an absence of a profile picture, or a picture of something inanimate. Upload a professional headshot, or your brand logo, and complete your profile. Write a little about yourself and include a link to your website as well.

Consistency is Crucial

Unless you are a celebrity to begin with, you will not get a million followers overnight. Tweet often, and tweet relevant things. If you are a tech oriented company, stay within your vertical, instead of tweeting about high fashion. Most of all,  tweet daily. If you only find time once or twice a week, use a scheduling tool to publish on your behalf automatically, but do make sure that your Twitter profile pushes out new tweets every 4-5 hours at least.

Share and Appreciate

If you find a tweet that you like, Re-Tweet it! Do not copy it instead, as it leaves a very bad impression about your brand. It is OK to share a web link through your own tweet, but if you came across it through someone else, make sure you give credit.

Interact with Everyone

Twitter is a live medium and there are millions of people online at any given moment. Search for a topic that interests you, see if people are talking about it, and jump right into that conversation. Do not hesitate to interact, since Twitter is public solely to ensure that there are no restrictions on the way people converse.